Welcome to our REPORT A VEHICLE page.
Just fill in the boxes below, upload a few pictures and then leave the rest to us. Be assured that we WILL act upon your report. This is not a RESPONSE service but this will alert our team instantly and if they are in the area they will make a visit.
Please note, if you are reporting a vehicle which is not displaying a valid permit then please remember to also take pictures of the dashboard and windscreen area. The more pictures the better. We ask for this information visit as sometimes there is a permit displayed when we arrive, it could save us time and effort.
These are the pictures we need when you kindly report.
- Picture of the vehicle. Needs to be taken at least 3m back so that we can see exactly where the vehicle is. The registration plate must be visible and clear to read. If you can get one of our signs in the picture too, that would be great.
- If reporting for 'no permit displayed' then WE MUST have a picture of the windscreen and dashboard area. Please note, we need to see all four corners of the windscreen clearly.
Take another picture also from a side angle, as some vehicles have small triangular windows in the A pillar by the wing mirrors. This also helps if the vehicle has a cubby hole/recess in the top of the dashboard.
If you do not want to leave an email address then please use [email protected] We do like to sometimes contact you to say thanks.
When you report a vehicle to us, we will verify the images and see if the vehicle is parked against the contravention/s of the site and one of our team will visit the site to take our own images.
Our system does not accept .heic images